Better Cotton Initiative

Fashion is the 2nd polluting industry, and cotton is a major actor in it.
BCI 's 2019 Global Sustainable Conference looked at it from close and far.

About the topic:
Cotton is a globally important and widely grown crop. Approximately 250 million people’s livelihoods are dependent on cotton in the production stages alone. For millions of people, often in some of the world’s poorest countries, cotton is a vital link to the global economy.
Cotton is used by nearly every single person on the planet on a daily basis. It is a renewable natural resource, but the future of cotton production is vulnerable to environmental degradation, poor working conditions and unstable markets. From improper use of pesticides, to low incomes and even child labour, there are many ways in which improvements need to be made. In 2005, a group of visionary organisations came together to develop a practical solution that would secure the sustainable future of the industry. The result was Better Cotton.
About the event:
Over 300 representatives from across the cotton supply chain – from farmers to retailers and brands – met in Shanghai on 12 and 13 June for the 2019 Global Cotton Sustainability Conference. The conference, hosted by the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), brought the sector together to collaborate on a more sustainable future for cotton. Here are some conference highlights.
About the client:
The Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) brings together farmers, ginners, traders, spinners, mills, cut & sew, manufacturers, retailers, brands, civil society and grassroots organisations in a unique global community committed to developing Better Cotton as a sustainable mainstream commodity.
By helping farmers to grow cotton in a way that reduces stress on the local environment and improves the livelihoods and welfare of farming communities, BCI aims to create long-term change.
It is a global approach that provides a solution for the mainstream cotton industry, including both smallholders and large scale farmers. All farmers can benefit from implementing the Better Cotton Standard and the development of a new and more sustainable mainstream commodity, Better Cotton.
Live illustration :
(click to enlarge)

Live illustration by Sophie Ong / zovi